Genesis Pillars of Health
Genesis’ six pillars are the foundation of our philosophy and the framework of our approach.
How we address and integrate these six components of health and vitality is what makes our approach unique, sustainable, and successful.
Your body is the most incredible machine you’ll ever own. Each aspect of its function needs to be addressed specifically in order to optimize your results from every angle.
We empower your success via our unique integrative programs. We address these key life components required for you to achieve optimal energy and vitality.

The demands and stressors of today’s world take a toll on the body and mind at a cellular level causing stress, fatigue, hormone imbalances, weight loss resistance and chronic disease. Genesis provides continuous support to keep you on track, improve your focus, reduce your stress, and increase your productivity. Optimal wellness can only be achieved when the body and the mind are in balance.


The ability to move freely and without pain impacts every aspect of life. To live better, you must move better. Improving the body’s mobility helps you avoid injury, create healthy joints, improve balance, reduce chronic pain and has been shown to have dramatic positive effects on emotional well-being and cognitive function. Your Genesis team of movement experts including trainers, chiropractors, and physical therapists, create a customized plan to get you moving forward with your best life.

Strength and longevity go hand in hand. Over time, the natural aging process combined with decreasing activity causes a loss of muscle mass that slows your metabolism, lowers your energy levels and increases your risk of injury. Our experts helps you build lean muscle to improve your metabolism, immunity, hormonal balance, bone density and quality of sleep because strength is a vital key to living in your prime.


Food is fuel. The quantity, quality, and timing of which makes the difference between keeping your metabolic blaze burning, or seeing it fizzle out. The Genesis multi-faceted nutrition plans emphasize adequate food intake, quality food sourcing and strategic food combining along with custom meal creation and delivery to help you improve gut health and rethink food’s role as a healer of the body.

Sleep quality is as important as nutrition and exercise when it comes to your health and longevity. The body does nonstop house cleaning while you sleep. Proper rest promotes repair, regeneration and increased performance results. Genesis’ whole person approach gives you the right strategies to power down, so you can power up for your daily life with more energy, vitality and focus.


When metabolic deficiencies impact your ability to achieve optimal living, Genesis’ custom metabolic programs change your life from the inside out. Our team creates a unique plan to support your metabolic function so you attain a higher quality of life. By helping our clients achieve optimal health on the inside, we unlock their potential to achieve optimal vitality on the outside.