Make Working Out a Habit with Your Personal Trainer in Thousand Oaks

Exercise is easy with a personal trainer in Thousand Oaks. 

Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button, sleeping past your workout? Maybe you’re one of those people who think they simply don’t have time for exercising today. Whatever your situation, incorporating a workout routine into your schedule benefits you in more ways than one. Whether you’re strapped for time or have an ever-decreasing amount of motivation, you can finally make working out a habit with the help of a personal trainer in Thousand Oaks.

To help you get started on making a sweat session part of your schedule, read on!

Set a Designated Time to Exercise

If you’re a morning person, choose to get up a little earlier to squeeze in a morning workout. If you’re a night owl, aim to complete your daily exercise after work. Do you have one free hour at midday? Fear not, this is a great time to workout, too! Whatever time works best for you, use it to your advantage. If you stick to a routine of always working out at a certain time, and make an appointment with yourself, you are more likely to do it!

Set a Goal

Ask yourself why you want to set up an exercise habit. It could be because you want to see results, you want to be healthier, or because you’re training for a marathon or sports event. Change your perspective of ‘getting through’ a workout to genuinely enjoying it and understanding how it moves you towards your end goal.

Track Your Progress

No one wants to put in hard work to see no difference – with anything in life. Natural motivation occurs when you track your own progress. When you see how many miles you ran this month, you will naturally want to run more next month. With a little motivation for self-improvement and some competitiveness, you will find a desire to improve constantly. A personal trainer in Thousand Oaks can help you to accomplish these goals and keep your workouts new and exciting!

Going at it alone can be daunting. Receive personalized fitness plans to suit your body and lifestyle so that you can live life without limitation! For more information on how to achieve your goals while tracking your fitness, contact Genesis Performance & Fitness, located in Thousand Oaks, California.

Jenna Dillon

Founder & CEO

Jenna is an Executive Coach committed to working with high performing individuals and companies who are up to exploring what they’re capable of achieving within their lives, careers, company culture and leadership. She is passionate about empowering her clients - standing with them and for them - so they have the tools to create extraordinary results.