

How Having a Healthy Workspace Can Transform Your Office Culture

When it comes to the corporate world,  a company generates distinction as an employer by creating  a workspace that not only encourages productivity but also promotes a sense of well-being for employees. A healthy and vibrant workspace has a greater potential to improve corporate performance and foster a sense of community and camaraderie in the office. Here, we will discuss

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Scaling the Corporate Ladder with Healthy Work-Life Balance

Feeling overwhelmed in your daily work-life balance? If the stress of managing your professional life is interfering with the joy in your personal life. then it may be time for a reset. It’s important for your overall health and well-being to ensure that you don’t miss out on your time with loved ones while you are busy scaling the corporate

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5 Lifestyle Choices to Help You Live in Your Prime

Often, poor lifestyle habits prevent us from achieving optimal physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Here’s a look at adjustments you can make in your everyday living to optimize your overall health and possibly add years to your life. Get High-Quality Sleep Every Night Regular high-quality sleep is good for your overall well-being. About 7-9 hours of uninterrupted slumber allows your

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The What, Where, and Why of New Year’s Resolutions

Studies show that about 80% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions abandon their resolutions in February due to various reasons, including having unrealistic goals, loss of motivation, lack of social support, and poor implementation strategy. Achieving New Year’s resolutions generally boils down to two things. Firstly, the resolutions must be feasible. Secondly, you must be ready to pay the

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What Can Extreme Stress Do to Your Body?

Stress emanates from your body’s reaction to real and perceived harmful situations. When you sense danger, the body enables you to react and get away from harm’s way. This reaction is referred to as the stress response or “fight or flight” response. During the stress response, the blood pressure rises, muscles tighten, breathing quickens, and heart rate increases. This is

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5 Effective Break Ideas to Keep You Productive Throughout the Day!

Breaks are essential for maximizing productivity. In simple terms, a break is when you decide to rest for a while before resuming the task at hand or when you need to pause and “regroup”. Breaks are often perceived as weakness but in reality, breaks can make you stronger, more creative, and improve overall health and mindset. Why Take Breaks? Emotional

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Do You Know Where Your Plastic Water Bottle Ends Up?

While bottled water is generally considered safe for drinking, plastic water bottles pose a serious threat to natural resources, including soil, air, and water. In turn, this threatens the safety of living organisms, including humans. Although recycling these bottles helps reduce their environmental toll, the world has yet to master the safest and most earth-friendly ways to recycle plastic. Recycled

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The New Workplace Culture in the Era of Work from Home

The imposed isolation, lockdowns, and quarantines resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic had pushed millions of workers to work from home. While many people are returning to their workplace as vaccines become more available and economies reopen, surveys indicate that more employees than ever before will be working, at least partially, from home. Thanks to the shift, the benefits and limitations

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Why You Should Recycle Plastic

The purpose of recycling plastic is to make natural resources like air, water, and soil safer for humans, animals, plants, and even microorganisms. However, the world hasn’t yet perfected the science and practice of safely managing used plastic. Plastic recycling is so flawed that used plastic bottles, trash bags, packaging for many consumer products, and many other items still pose

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Jenna Dillon

Founder & CEO

Jenna is an Executive Coach committed to working with high performing individuals and companies who are up to exploring what they’re capable of achieving within their lives, careers, company culture and leadership. She is passionate about empowering her clients - standing with them and for them - so they have the tools to create extraordinary results.