Top Practices on How to Overcome Exercise Anxiety with a Personal Trainer in Thousand Oaks

A personal trainer in Thousand Oaks can lead you to live life without limitations.

If you spend most of your day dreading your next workout, know that you’re not alone. Many beginners and athletes find themselves fixated on the impending pain and struggle of working out. While dreading one or two training days is completely normal, getting anxious about every workout means that something needs to improve. With a personal trainer in Thousand Oaks, you can feel confident about your exercise routine.

Mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for exercising without experiencing anxiety by following these steps.

Plan ahead so that you don’t have to think.

Creating a better routine takes the thinking out of a workout, which is exactly what you want! Write down and design an optimal pre-workout meal, warm-up, training session, cool down, and post-exercise meal to help you perform. This way, you don’t have to worry about forgetting a step or over-thinking your next move. Once these elements are built into your exercise routine, you can stop worrying about your next session. Better yet, have your personal trainer tailor a plan to your needs!

Shift your mindset.

Fear and worry arise from not knowing the outcome of an event. Fortunately, some of these feelings will be addressed through the step above, but mentally preparing yourself plays a large role in confidence, too. Focusing on the purpose and effort of each workout allows you to achieve your desired outcome. If you are anxious about exercising, you could be hindering more than just your nerves. Gaining confidence your fitness regimen, workout plan, and gaining strength all help you to feel better about what you’re doing. Every workout is a small step to reaching your goal, so consistency is key.

Use positive affirmations.

You only know how far you’ve come by remembering where you started. Reaching a goal is much easier to accomplish when you look at how well you’ve done already. When you work with Genesis, you’ll work through a baseline fitness test. We redo this test every 90 days to track progress. More often than not, these 90-day benchmarks have very clear positively affirming results.

Functional Exercise Standards

At Genesis, we establish specific goals that we check on every 30 days. With these checkpoints, we are able to further pinpoint and narrow our approach so that each workout can quantifiably progress towards specific goals. Additionally, we take photos of all of our clients every 30 days. When they see themselves in the mirror every day, it’s quite easy to lose sight of bodily changes – even if people feel better. Seeing side-by-side images are extremely eye-opening and inspiring! In this case, a picture can definitely be worth more than a thousand words.

At Genesis Performance & Fitness, we believe that everyone should be able to live life without limitations. If you’re anxious about your workouts, you’re restricting your potential. Don’t let nerves and anxiety prevent your lifestyle improvements. Visit us for personal training, a tailored fitness plan, and the ability to achieve your goals and track your fitness. Our approach is based on YOU: your goals, your needs, and your challenges. This is about helping you live the life you want, and make real, lasting changes to improve the quality and quantity of your years. Contact us in Thousand Oaks, California today.

Jenna Dillon

Founder & CEO

Jenna is an Executive Coach committed to working with high performing individuals and companies who are up to exploring what they’re capable of achieving within their lives, careers, company culture and leadership. She is passionate about empowering her clients - standing with them and for them - so they have the tools to create extraordinary results.