

4 Reasons Why You Must Say “No” to That Late-Night Snack

Research by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) indicates that there’s a correlation between obesity and meal timings. More specifically, people who eat two hours before bedtime are at a higher risk of becoming obese. Because of this, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF)  recommends eating your last meal of the day before 7:00 p.m. Additionally, ensure that you avoid

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6 Stress Relieving Foods That You Must Incorporate into Your Diet

A healthy stress level isn’t bad for your body as it can help you overcome certain challenges or threats. However, chronic stress can trigger or aggravate conditions like heart disease, weight problems, and depression. While its strongly recommended that you see a doctor if you are experiencing severe distress, living an active, disciplined life wherein you are thoughtful of your lifestyle

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4 Essential Tips to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health in 2021

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a trying year for many Americans. The pandemic-related uncertainty, inactivity, and stress weighed heavily on most people’s physical and mental health, but 2021 can be a year of resurgence and triumph. By getting into a consistent routine and improving your eating habits, you can reach your best physical and mental health. Here are

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Top Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

Now, more than ever, many of us find ourselves working at our desk for longer periods of time. We may be working from home more and finding it difficult to separate work life from home life. As a result, we work late into the evenings and end up living a more sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, sitting down for prolonged periods of

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Super “Blue” Foods to Boost Your Energy and Immunity

During this time when we are all busy and needing to stay in optimal health, eating to thrive has never been more important. A sure way to help your energy and give your immune system a boost is to eat superfoods that have been proven to help our physical and emotional health. Superfoods are fruits and vegetables that are especially

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Is Your Sleep Killing You?   Your sleep matters- but this probably isn’t new information to you. We’ve known this for decades; when you sleep better, you do better. But are you aware of the myriad of things that are impacted by poor quality sleep? At Genesis Performance, we interviewed Dr. Kathleen Carson to learn more about the innumerable benefits

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Simple Strategies For Stretching At Work & Home

  As we mentioned briefly in our Applying Balance To Your Life blog post, spending long hours at your computer can put your health at risk. Most people don’t even consider the possibility, but constantly working at a desk can be extremely hard on your body. So we are sharing our favorite strategies to break up the day-to-day monotony, so hopefully,

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Applying Balance to Your Life to Optimize Energy and Reduce Stress

While dealing with many things throughout the day, most of us find it difficult to have extra time for a much needed afternoon nap. In this situation, people often use chemicals to optimize energy, such as pills or energy drinks. These synthetic chemical filled ingredients can obviously be dangerous for your health and we suggest switching to natural methods to

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Simple Solutions on How to De-Stress to Improve Your Workout

Unwind and achieve your goals by eliminating your stress and improving your exercise routine. It’s safe to say that everyone experiences stress, perhaps on a day-to-day basis. You may find that work, your social or family demands wear you down every now and again, and you suffer from pent-up stress that needs to be released. Instead of boiling over, take

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Jenna Dillon

Founder & CEO

Jenna is an Executive Coach committed to working with high performing individuals and companies who are up to exploring what they’re capable of achieving within their lives, careers, company culture and leadership. She is passionate about empowering her clients - standing with them and for them - so they have the tools to create extraordinary results.