There is so much information out there about your food, your diet, what you should eat, and what to avoid that it can be extremely overwhelming. New fads, new supplements, new diets – it all changes from month to month depending on where you look. Below you will find a few simple strategies to help you take the guesswork out
Wise up your nutrition in Thousand Oaks by learning what not to eat. Most people think that they’re healthy. The trend of buying only ‘organic,’ ‘sugar-free,’ and ‘all-natural’ food is easily misinterpreted by the general public. The confusing labels and advertising can make a healthy grocery shopping trip a minefield for many of us. Many are secret sugar hosts that
The holiday season is notorious for causing even the fittest of us to gain a few pounds. Between Thanksgiving turkey, marshmallow-ed sweet potatoes, holiday ham, and all that dessert, maintaining a solid health and fitness strategy is definitely a challenge. We absolutely believe that you should enjoy the holidays and your time with family and friends. However, we can provide
“Eat these foods to sharpen your mind,” your personal trainer in Thousand Oaks suggests. With new studies emerging, we are learning more and more about how food affects our health, body, and brain. Scientists are discovering foods that keep us healthy and prevent disease and illness. Similarly, they’re finding foods that keep our mind clear and our memory sharp. A
Believe it or not, but you can have a healthy Thanksgiving without sabotaging your goals. Now that the holiday season is about to begin, it’s easy to go overboard with the calories and consumption. Even though you’re tempted by the pecan pie and marshmallow and brown sugar covered sweet potatoes, it’s essential to avoid overindulging this Thanksgiving and sabotaging your
Mental and physical wellness go hand in hand. Today’s concept of wellness goes beyond simply promoting physical health, exercise, and nutrition. Wellness is about improving someone’s overall quality of life and is achieved by making small but positive changes to one’s social, emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical wellness. For example, you could have the top exercise routine, but if you’re
Sneaky reasons why you’re not getting results. We all know how fantastic working out is for your health. But what happens when all the time, effort, and exercise isn’t paying off? Perhaps you’re not getting the results that you should be getting. While any physical activity is good, some workout plans are better than others, and many factors come into
Supercharge your plate with superfoods. Superfoods are the new ‘it’ item to have in your shopping cart. Not only are they colorful, affordable, and easy to eat, but they are proven to fight disease and boost energy. There’s certainly a handful of food items that are considered ‘super’ for plenty of reasons. The following foods can fend off serious diseases
Jenna is an Executive Coach committed to working with high performing individuals and companies who are up to exploring what they’re capable of achieving within their lives, careers, company culture and leadership. She is passionate about empowering her clients - standing with them and for them - so they have the tools to create extraordinary results.